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The Safety of Automation: How AI is Reducing Fatalities in Mining

The advent of modern technologies in the mining industry has been responsible for lowering the number of fatalities and assisting mines in becoming more efficient.

Working in the mining industry is one of the most dangerous jobs available. Mining accidents are common, resulting in serious injuries or death for those involved. Mining accidents can happen for a variety of reasons, including poisonous or explosive natural gas leaks, blasting accidents, flying debris, or equipment failure. Mining accidents are common and have occurred all over the world, whether it was the recent Turkish mine explosion in Bartin, which killed 41 people, or the New Zealand Pike River Mine disaster ten years ago, which killed over 30 people.

There is, however, a light at the end of the tunnel. The mining industry is becoming safer as a result of new technologies such as robotics and automation tools such as GIS, AI, ML, and IoT sensors. Over the last few years, these novel technologies have resulted in a significant decrease in the number of fatalities. In 2016, the number of mining fatalities in the United States fell from 73 to 25. These technologies are not only reducing accidents, but also increasing efficiency, decreasing the overall time it takes to complete a job, allowing more work to be done in safe conditions, and providing insights to help monitor operations.

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Let’s delve into how these technologies are helping the mines transition into a better industry to work in :

IoT devices: The use of the Internet of Things (IoT) in mines is a pretty solid advancement in this field. IoT has transformed the way mines operate and has had a significant impact on safety. IoT solutions enable mining companies to remotely monitor hazardous environments and the safety of their workers by deploying sensors and other smart devices. IoT sensors can alert personnel to dangerous conditions in a mine before they become life-threatening by providing real-time data on toxicity levels, temperature, dust concentrations, and even seismic activity. This enables miners to act quickly and reduce potential hazards to their employees. Sensors, for example, can detect potentially hazardous gas concentrations and alert personnel via visual and audible alarms. This enables them to adjust operations accordingly and ensure the health and safety of their mine workers.

AI: The mining industry has been transformed by AI and IoT, making it much safer. Mines can use AI to gain insights into parameters such as methane levels and vibration ensuring safety and assisting in the prevention of accidents and fatalities.  AI-powered sensors can detect changes in temperature and pressure and alert workers to any anomalies before they become dangerous. AI is also assisting mines in better understanding and analyzing the risks involved in order to implement appropriate safety measures on-site.

ML: ML enables data to be analyzed and processed quickly and efficiently, assisting mines in identifying potential safety hazards. The use of ML also makes historical data analysis easier for mines, allowing them to detect patterns that may indicate a risk or potential safety hazard. This enables proactive safety measures to be implemented before any harm is done. By providing mines with the tools they need to monitor their operations properly, ML can help reduce the risks of accidents.

GIS: GIS (Geographic Information Systems) can be used by mining companies to monitor various aspects of their operations, such as geology, topography, water levels, surface erosion, and wall movements. GIS technology, for example, can help mining companies anticipate potential hazards like water seepage or dangerous rock formations. Mining companies can also employ GIS technology to map out underground mining routes and identify potential areas of environmental impact. This information helps mining companies make better decisions about how to plan their operations and minimize potential environmental damage.

Ceco has been born to help the mining industry reclaim its lost prestige in the eyes of the public by making it safer, sustainable, and more efficient. Through their use of IoT sensors and AI-driven insights, Ceco can help identify areas of potential danger before they become an issue. It also detects any future irregularities in operations that could lead to accidents by incorporating Machine learning. This allows mines to respond quickly and proactively to potential risks, resulting in a safer workplace for everyone. Ceco's GIS platform also provides mines the ability to monitor and analyze data to provide meaningful insights that can be used not only to improve operations and safety but also to reduce their carbon footprint. Ceco, through its GIS software also helps you minimize risk from tailings by monitoring things such as water levels, dam elevation, cracking or instabilities, road quality, contamination, groundwater, etc. Head to Ceco solutions to learn more.

Arnav Mishra
Verified writer

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